The Realm of Adventurers

28. december 2024 kl. N/A - 28. december 2024 kl. 1:00
Kategori: Figurspil

Karsten Rasmussen; TRoAs Project: X-wing

Dette arrangement er arrangeret af TRoAs Project: X-wing

X-wing Miniatures Game - MEET US ON MALASTARE - ACES HIGH - 5 & 13 Points – 2.5 - XWA -

Lørdag, den 28. december 2024

Denne turnering afvikles med 4 runder – 2.5 AMG Extended Rules:
Round 1-3: 3x Runder – 5 points (Single Ace) Aces High Standard / 60 min. per round – 4 players to a Table

Round 4: 1x  Runde – 13 points Aces High Elimination – Same 5 points Ace as prior + 2x non-limited Wingmen (same type Starfighter) / Round: 120 min. – 4 players to a Table

Der vil være et maks. deltager antal på 24 personer til dette arrangement - Prisen for deltagelse i arrangementet er DKK 50,00 per person - BEMÆRK: Medlemmer af TRoA får DKK 50,00 medlemsrabat.

For registrering/tilmelding: => TRoA Aces High Event: MEET US ON MALASTARE – DEC24 • Longshanks event 13532

Turneringssoftware, der anvendes er, hvor turneringen: TRoA Aces High Event: MEET US ON MALASTARE – DEC24 er slået op.

Deltagerne bedes venligst lægge deres liste op på Longshanks senest dagen før (27.12.2024), så Vi kan spare tid på selve dagen.

For betaling: => Betal via MobilePay til TRoA X-wing 239936

Der vil være præmier til de 3 bedst placerede.

Har du spørgsmål til eventet kan disse stilles direkte til TO Karsten Rasmussen telefon 27 62 10 15 eller via event på Facebook.

Alle spillere bedes medbringe: 2 printede lister fra Squad Builderen YASB 2: YASB 2 eller

Sørg for at dine valgte 3 Obstacles fremgår af dine medbragte lister - Medbring selv alle nødvendige Obstacles og spillebrikker medvidere / Udprintede Pilot Cards via må gerne benyttes - BEMÆRK - Man skal kunne fremvise de originale pilot/upgrade kort for at må bruge udprintede - Dette kontrolleres af TO/Marshal i forbindelse med Check-in og set-up og frem til runde 1 begynder.

Squadron-liste indleveres ved ankomst til arrangementet. Husk, at medbringe alle kort, såvel piloter, samt up-grade kort (ingen proxy).

VIGTIGT - Vi beder VENLIGST alle deltagere om, at spille med nummererede eller farve-markerede dials og fly for at undgå misforståelser.

Battle against your opponents in 3 rounds free-for-all match and seek to be the best Ace!
Squad-building - Restrictions: Players will fly only a single ship up to 5 Points in Cost
Free-for-All Match - Aim to get the most points before the end of each 60 minute round

Points are scored for the following:
First Hit - After a ship performs an attack, if the defender was at full health (ie Hull and/or Shields) and suffered damage, the attacking ship’s player scores 1 Bounty Trophy-token.

Kill Confirmed - After a ship performs an attack, if the defender is destroyed the attacking ship's player scores 2 Bounty Trophies plus all Bounty Trophy-tokens on the defender’s ship card (remove them from the defender’s ship card when they are scored.) Then place 1 Bounty Trophy-token on the attacking ship’s card.

Stay in the Fight - If a ship flees, remove all Bounty Trophy-tokens from its ship card. It's player loses 1 Bounty Trophy-token plus Bounty Trophy-tokens equal to the number of Bounty Trophy-tokens removed this way.
Special Rule - Restore Ships (Start of Round) - Starting with the first player, each player with no ship in play places it anywhere in the play area at range 0 of a board edge at min. range 1 of any other ship already in play.

The player that has scored the most victory points when each 60-minute round ends is the winner of that round – And receives a prize.

The over-all winner of the 3 rounds total – Receives the Title: Ace of Aces for the coming year and receives the main prize.

ROUND 4: ACES HIGH - Elimination – 13 Points – 2.5 XWA
Battle against your opponents in a 3-man Squadron free-for-all match to be the victorious survivor!
Format & Squadbuilding - Restriction: Players will fly 3 ships of the same type up to 13 Points in Cost / The 5 point Ace from rounds 1-3, and 2 non-limited pilots.
Free-for-All Match - Aim to be the Last Man Standing before the end of the 120 minutes round; If more Squadrons than one remains the winner is the one with the most enemy ships downed.

Additional prizes are awarded for the following:
FIRST BLOOD - The Player of the first ship that performs an attack that destroys the defending ship, claims the VESTARA KHAI AWARD

• "First Blood" is a short story written by Christie Golden. It appeared in Star Wars Insider 125 and featured the Sith apprentice Vestara Khai.


NO ESCAPE - The Player of the first ship that try to flee or by accident moves off the table edge claims the TIP-YIP AWARD then the Player's ship is turned to face toward the center of the table placing it's rear guards at range 0 of the table edge then expose it to the effects of a Conner Net and return it to the battle.

• Endorian chickens, also known as tip-yip in Ewokese, were a species of birds that lived in the forests of Endor. These domesticated animals were kept by the Ewoks as a source of food and their meat was considered delicious.

Note: If no one qualifies for this award after standard play - the Player with the lowest ranking in Round 4 receives the above award.


LAST ONE STANDING - When only one Player's Squad is left on the table that Player claims the BOBA FETT AWARD
• Boba Fett's backstory as established by "The Last One Standing" was originally considered canon but was superceeded with the release of Star Wars: Episode II Attack of the Clones, which made Fett a clone of his father.

[Start og slut tidpunkter]
Doors open: 9:00
Player registration/sign-in: 09:00-09:30
Pairings round 1: 09:45
Set op Round 1: 09:45 – 10:15
Round 1: 10:15-11:15 – First Round – Aces High

Set up Round 2: 11:15-11:45
Round 2: 11:45-12.45 – Second Round – Aces High

Frokost og Set Up Round 3: 12:45 - 13.45 (1 hout)

Round 3: 13.45 - 14.45 – Third Round – Aces High
Set-up Round 4: 14:45 – 15:15

Round 4: 15:15 – 17:15 – Aces High Elimination

Efterfølgende præmiering og TAK FOR I DAG!

Vel mødt,:
TRoAs Project: X-wing
Arrangementet afholdes på vegne af Rollespilsforeningen TRoA.

[Lokaler booket]
Battlelokalet (Første sal) ved Caféen - Tidsrummet: 09:00 til 21:00